Thursday, February 24, 2011

what a day...

what a glorious day.
snow flurries between the sunshine.
cats away for 24 hours (hallelujah...would it be evil to just 'forget' they're there?).

first off, after dragging my two littles through the above mentioned snow flurries to 3 stores at 8 am for one purpose only...

i finally found this...


if you love junkin' it at at a fleas market, return your cans and  bottles if you have too.
just lovely.

and i went to an estate sale up the road.
in a drafty, faulty foundation, moldy, perfect old house.
i almost swooned at the half moon french doors between the rooms, the vaulted ceilings,
the cracked and peeling walls.
and i picked up a little vintage goodness while there.

then i came home and whipped up a little craftiness with some old hankies.
this is our dining room window,
which i've always left bare because privacy isn't really an issue in this room.
but L.O.V.E. it,
if i do say so myself.:

there will be homemade soup on the stove to simmer shortly. i'm blasting
as high as it can go.
avonlea is in my mailbox from netflix to watch with the big monkeys.

and i have a date with my two favorite men tonight on the couch in my jammies.
my husband and jimmy stewart.

now if only someone delivered chocolate...

God Bless,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


while 90 % of people complain of the rain...
i don't.
i love the rain.
oh, i love the sunshine too.

but there is something about a rainfall that refreshes a weary spirit.
that washes away hurt and sorrow and complacency.

i feel rejuvenated after a rain shower.
like God's grace truly has rained down upon me.
indeed it has.

so i welcome spring with open arms.
the birds chattering away in their tree top refuges.
the daffodils lazily turning bright faces towards the sun.
the smell of rain in the air.
because there is always that ray of sunshine squirming it's way through.

and that makes it all the sweeter.

God Bless,

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


how dare life keep getting in the way of a blog post.
mine are always so riveting too.
poor souls who miss me while i'm gone!

what do the following pictures have to do with this post?
absolutely nothing.

 have you played Apples to Apples?
if you like games,
this is a must have in your game closet.

so the new menu is up.
check it out.
honey is on his own this weekend with all 4 monkeys while mama escapes to a scrapbook retreat!
i'm both excited and sad.
anxious for girl time,
but will miss my family,
especially since honey's been working so much i do feel a tad guilty leaving him with our little ones.

i'll get over it.

and i'm on a mission.

i SHALL find a copy of the new Flea Market Style if i have to scour every store for 30 miles.
i've been on pins and needles awaiting it's release.
i walk each check out stand at every store.
 i've yet to find it but i do believe my heart is pitter pattering at the thought of getting my hands on it!
i know.
i'm ridiculous.
i can't help it.

and by the way,
yesterday it was a sunshiney 60 degrees out.
right now it's snowing.

welcome to southern oregon.

have a lovely day,
God Bless,

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