Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Did It!

i finally hit buy on those virtual baskets filled with homeschool stuff!
I can't wait to get them and thumb through it all!

here's a peek at what i got:

for Monkey 1's L.A.

for monkey 2's L.A.

along with some cheapo work books for monkey 3.

in math?

for all 3.

we are using

for all 3 monkey's geography.

for science

as the main history program,

as an infrequent supplement.

.  whew!
that was exhausting!

God Bless,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh!!! ordering your homeschool curriculum never loses it's luster :) i still love it...3years later. have fun looking thru everything...i'm so excited for you!

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