Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Monkey #1 told his sister that we would have foolish dogs for dinner tonight...well son, actually that would be Polish dogs.

foolish of us from the artery blocking view point yes...

and Monkey #3 said "hey mom, do you know what Hell is probably like?" 
him: "I think it's like getting thrown into water without your lifejacket".

how profound is that??!!
from a 3 yr old.
out of the blue.
and no we don't walk around preaching fire and damnation.
Have NO idea where that came from...
but I'd say he's pretty darn wise...

My baby girl will be 6 in just a few short hours...

where did the time go?

God Bless,


Jason and Sara said...

I love her pink poofy skirt! It just swallows her up!

Anonymous said...

Time does fly, which is why we should enjoy each day. Love the blog, keep it up. Interesting what Conner said. I do believe children are full of wisdom that adults have grown out of because of responsibilities. Is he afraid of drowning. Maybe swim lessons are in order.

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