Saturday, June 4, 2011

saturday confessions...

i'm linking up with
for some confessionals:)
i've been reading hers each saturday and keep meaning to join in...

so here we go
i'm now onto reading Francine Rivers Redeeming Love.
which i've been told is one of the best books of all time.
i'm almost 1/2 way through.
and i have yet to agree with the multitudes.
my 3 year old still wears diapers.
he has zero interest in the potty.
which melissa so kindly reminded me.
i, too, stink at potty training.
i bought a bed in Dec.
my husband won't put it together.
so, after 6 months, i dismantled the old one.
he hasn't had a bed to sleep in in 2 nights
 (let's forget that i'm kinda in the same situation there too okay?)
he'll have his back when he gets around to putting ours together
 : D
i dropped my camera today.
thank GOD for lens covers.
totally broken,
and i had just put on my best, most expensive lens!
i needed my bunco group last night.
not only was it fun as always,
but it was nourishing and breathed some life back into me.

God Bless,

1 comment:

Melissa Stover said...

your lens cover was broken? your lens? your camera? i'm sad for you.

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