Sunday, June 12, 2011

saturday confessions...(on sunday)

cuz that's how i roll ;)
i confess that i believe the verse :
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1
is a direct reference to buying clothes that are currently to small in the expectation they will fit soon...

i confess that i am LOVING the Charlotte Mason idea of homeschooling...

that i have spent WAY too much $ on above mentioned homeschooling...

i confess that i am rejoicing that this is our last week of school.
and that i may just be lazy  on some days and make the children let me sleep in now that they're all old enough;)

i confess that i have come to realize every single 80s romantic comedy i  had ever liked is, in fact, in retrospect upon rewatching, utterly stupid.
please prove me wrong and suggest a descent one.
i am slightly abhorred at either my previous failed judgment or my maturity now.

linking here:
God Bless,


H-Mama said...

what's comical about the 80's... the hair. i was a victim of the late 80's - early 90's. where were stacy and clinton when we needed them most? ;)

always nice to meet another homeschool mama!

Melissa Stover said...

thanks for linking up!

Unknown said...

i'm loving that you're loving charlotte!! that's how we school too...good luck with the budget's so hard not to buy books!!

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