Friday, September 9, 2011

a question:

what is your favorite book/ movie of all time?
i want to know.
i expect everyone who reads this to comment;)
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(which is really easy to get, all you need is your junker e-mail and a user name),
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Sugarplum Creations Blog said...

Movie? The Notebook. Hands down, my favorite.

Book? That's harder. Probably the Bible.


Anonymous said...

I can never watch A Tree Grows in Brooklyn or The Last of the Mohicans enough!

Favoite book? Hmmm, probably The Keeners by Maeve Binchey.


Sarah said...

Legends of the Fall or A River Runs Through it for my fav movies, what can I say I'm a sucker for Brad.

Favorite book is soooo much harder. I love any thing by Nicolas Sparks for a brainless feel good read (guilty pleasure i guess) but fav is probably Little Woman (Louisa May Alcottt)

H-Mama said...

i'm a little late to this party. ;)
hmmmm... one of our favorite movies has been the count of monte cristo... i know there are others.
and i just finished the other boleyn girl... have you read it?

Jen Anderson said...

I love movies in general, so picking just one is really a struggle, but we are huge Hitchcock fans in our house and have seen just about every one of his films. My favorites are the ones with Jimmy Stewart because, well, I adore him. I have to admit to also appreciating the occasional completely stupid comedy.

As for books, that answer is easier. Aside from the word, my two all time favorite books are The Lord of the Flies and To Kill a Mockingbird. I have read each one probably a dozen times and could read them annually for the rest of my life and never grow tired of them. There's just something so poignant in each one about human character that really speaks to me as a person.

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